Backyard Habitat is an American television program about visiting families and amending backyards for the National Wildlife Federation. The show takes the form of a DIY-style program, with tips that are, it is suggested, easy for most viewers to achieve on their own. Within each episode, the hosts center on attracting a few specific varieties of wildlife (birds, animals, and insects); at the conclusion, the family is presented with a plaque, usually placed in the garden by the hosts, stating that the yard is now recognized by the NWF as a "backyard habitat". It is hosted by Molly Pesce (AKA Molly Scott) and David Mizejewski, a representative of the NWF. It is shown on the channel Animal Planet. Each episode runs approximately 30 minutes (including commercials). It was produced by RIVR Media.
Beginning: The hosts introduce themselves and briefly explain the concept of the show and its mission: to create an "backyard habitat", officially recognized by the National Wildlife Federation, and introduce the family whose yard they are going to transform.
Middle: While David Mizejewski, the male co-host, helps the father of the household with the majority of the gruntwork, Molly Pesce and the mother of the household (usually along with the children) head to talk to a ranger, scientist, or some sort of expert on at least one of the species of wildlife they are hoping to attract with their modified yard or garden.
Conclusion: The hosts and family conclude working on the yard, at which point shortly thereafter the family is presented with an NWF "Backyard Wildlife Habitat" plaque. The hosts then invite the audience to view the garden, at which point various shots of the modified yard or garden are shown before and during the list of credits.